Children love to play, and play one mirrors what is important in their lives. Sport is a fun, posive experience for children who allow them to make new friends learn new skills and develop new interests. The first step in providing a posive sport experience for children, the main goal of sports should be to foster the overall development of all the children involved. This sports include ideas for warmup, stretches and cool down acvies. principles for posive children’s sport programs. ways for making play with children more posive safety measures, nutrion values, life skills, ideas for equipment and many other suggesons. It designed with a purpose for making activity a regular part of their day will show students the importance that teacher place on being healthy and active – a lesson that will stay with kids for the rest of their lives.

We strive to achieve excellence in learning both within and beyond the classroom. We wish our students to not only exceed in academics, but also become an all-round performer by excelling in the fields beyond academics too.

To reinforce the academic curriculum and a global vision, a series of talks and workshops are held throughout the year by eminent personalities from the world of Science, Arts, Academics, Technology, Media, Music, Dance & Drama. The topics range from Environment to Substantial Development through Non-violence, Bio-diversity, Elections and Democracy, from life skills to attitudes and values to health and physical education.

We take note of national and international festivals and anniversaries at our morning assemblies and also celebrate them through dance, drama, music, debate, story-telling sessions, painting and other creative endeavours. We try to inculcate knowledge and values through ‘Thought of the day’, Amazing Facts & News regularly. Parents and other family members are regularly invited to school functions

Preschool days are the most important phase for a child’s emotional development; it’s when  the child builds his/her confidence and self esteem. It is imperative to give children positive  attention, guidance to learn and accept mistakes and help them develop confidence in their 

abilities as they work towards building self-esteem, confidence, problem-solving skills and social skills. 

To help our children excel in life skills, we organize regular co-curricular activities such as  presentations, storytelling competition, fancy dress, poem recitation, etc. Annual Day is a  crucial platform where our Prideens across branches come together and mesmerize  everyone with their confidence and charisma. 

Stage exposure bolsters children’s creative expression, self-esteem and interpretation skills  – all of which can go a long way in empowering them. 

In SHIV JYOTI SCHOOL children are involved in fun-filled activities to help them recognise  various letters and numbers. They also develop vocabulary skills related to letters which  contribute to their language. Further, skills like sorting, matching and pairing of numbers are  also learnt. Opportunities are created and Prideens are involved in various games and  activities to identify, observe and play with numbers throughout the day.

Children are engaged in intellectual activities like solving puzzles and building towers to  develop memory and observation skills, problem solving, sequencing and seriation. The  approach for the same is simple to complex. ID classes serve as a great medium for children  to boost their cognitive and gross-motor skills while learning to manipulate the world  around them. When children turn, flip, and turn things, they develop hand-eye coordination  in an interesting manner. Through ID classes, Prideens are given the opportunity to become  creative thinkers and good learners through a range of fun activities. 

We strongly believe that no two child are alike and that every child is born unique and talented. Their innate qualities not only make them special but also go a long way in transforming every child into a confident and happy individual. It is extremely important for
teachers and parents to identify and nurture the talents of little children, and to continuously applaud them for their innate qualities.
Together with a team of early education experts, curriculum experts, child psychologists, and teachers, we at shiv jyoti zeroed in on 30 inherent qualities and talents in children, which are essential for their overall development. These 30 qualities have then been transformed into a set of 30 certificates . With rich, colorful illustrations and interesting headers, every certificate highlights one important attribute in children.
At the end of every month, class teachers, across all the 85 branches, as a token of appreciation and acknowledgement handover these certificates to every child, making him/her feel special and loved about what he/she is born with. The objective is not to compare children with each other, but appreciate and make every child blossom into a confident and happy individual.

Understanding and using basic concepts help children to learn, read and understand their environment. They also help children become more effective communicators. At Shiv Jyoti, children are taught different concepts such as fruits, vegetables, numbers, descriptions, transports, and so on through a range of highly engaging activities. Concepts also boost observation skills of kids and allow them grasp things quickly and actively. All the activities are planned using an integrated approach, wherein the child is encouraged to recognize and learn attributes, colors and shapes of related items through a single concept. It is a wonderful medium of interactive instruction and is a great source of bringing real learning opportunities to little kids.

Circle time is the time when friendship blossoms as children interact, socialize and share  their thoughts and experiences with each other. Various activities are designed, creating  opportunities for kids to experience the joy of talking and communicating with each other.  On a regular day, teacher and children gather together in a circle to create a rich weave of  rhymes, games and songs. Developing social, emotional, and personal skills are some of the  primary objectives of Circle Time. The activity also fosters problem solving skills, language  building and confidence as children are encouraged to express their views freely. 

Children have an innate love for stories. They have the power to create magic and a sense of  adventure in the classroom. Stories are a great way to teach children about life, about  ourselves and others. At Shiv Jyoti, storytelling is a unique way for children to develop an 

understanding about the world around them. It creates interest in children as the character  comes to live in front of them and captures their attention and imagination. Children learn  about good social habits, traffic rules, sharing, etc. through stories. They also develop  language and imaginative skills and as they narrate and listen to stories. 

Fun activities help build thinking skills in young minds; they also make learning effective too.  With this belief, children are taken out on nature walk to a nearby garden to help them  understand and comprehend various concepts about nature.  

Walking around the garden, children observe and explore the world around them. It’s a  wonderful activity that allows children to experience the treasures of nature while learning  to connect with it through a range of activities. Before going to the park/garden, teachers  set some ground rules for children which they attentively adhere too.  

Overall, it’s a fun-filled activity that stimulates curiosity, instils love for learning and creates  a long-lasting connection with the nature. 

There is no substitute for creative and imaginative play when it comes to teaching. Every  child is born with an imagination. Allowing children to exercise their imagination enhances  their creativity and creates better social understanding. This is the strength of children – their ability to pretend and fix problems with their imagination.  

Play is how children learn and pretend play is an ideal way to exercise their creativity and  imagination. At Shiv Jyoti, opportunities are created for our Prideens to blend their skills and  knowledge together. To create a better understanding of various concepts, Prideens are  engaged in pretend play or role plays. Through this activity, they develop love, respect, and  appreciation for the world around them. Imaginary plays also allow kids to develop  vocabulary, language and social skills while having loads of fun.

Puppets are toys that fascinate children; they connect as friends. It’s also a great way to  draw the attention and imagination of preschoolers and offers amazing benefits in a child’s  development. At Shiv Jyoti, we believe learning is fun and it is with this belief that we  encourage puppet play as part of our curriculum. It enhances their interest levels and  inculcates various concepts like good habits, sharing, caring, etc. It also helps the kids  develop vocabulary, and improve communication and listening skills. By organizing puppet  plays, we strive to bring stories to life and thus instil valuable skills in kids. Overall, puppet  play offers a fun-filled learning experience to our little ones.

Children move naturally. They move to achieve mobility, express a thought or feeling, and  because it is joyful.  

At Shiv Jyoti, we aim to build a foundation for our children, giving a structure to their  movements and introduce our Prideens to the world of dance and aerobics. Children get  involved in dance and aerobics to boost their body strength, flexibility and confidence. It’s a  great way to help young Prideens learn about body coordination and body awareness while  spending quality time with their peers. It also infuses a sense of rhythm, flexibility and co ordination. 

Sound Foundation For Life


Toddlers are active and curious learners from birth, able to lead their own learning within the context of  close and supportive responsive adults. The preschool age is the most impressionable age in one’s life.  The rate of development at this stage is more rapid since 50% of a child’s brain develops in the first four  years. To aid their development to the fullest, the pedagogy for children is specialized with the  following: 

No one understands children like we do. We certainly know that the formative years of a child’s life are  of utmost importance for development, which is why at Shiv Jyoti, our child-centric approach ensures  the perfect holistic development at this tender age. We let children ‘Be’ themselves. They are given the  freedom to take their own decisions, discover their own areas of interest and dwell smoothly with the  learning process! 

At Shiv Jyoti, we not only believe in imparting education of different concepts but also emphasize on  inculcating life skills. The teachers nurture the talents of our tiny tots by giving them the perfect  exposure through physical activities, stage programmes, music, dance, art and craft. Through the right  exposure, the aim of building confidence and self esteem among students is successfully achieved.

Another major area of focus for laying a sound foundation for students is to ensure development of  positive-self concept. The children during all times must know that, ‘I-CAN’ is always more powerful  than ‘IQ’. They are nurtured in such a way that they can feel competent to do anything they want  independently and adequately. The castle of love indeed ensures the ‘Feel Good and Feel Smart’ feeling  at all times!  

With increasing numbers of children attending preschool, it is vitally important that the latest research  be made available to guide the development of practice which can shape these young minds. Being one  of the first preschools in India with a Research and Development department, we ensure to be updated  with new revelations in the child psychology. 

In an endeavor to blossom the personalities of the little ones and to give them an opportunity to  develop at their own pace & comfort zone, we provide an ideal stimulating environment for the  children. The basic ingredients of this Stimulating Environment include: 

  1. Opportunities for Stable relationships and interactions with sensitive and responsive adults.
  2. A focus on play-based activities and routines which allow children to take the lead in their own  learning. 
  3. Support for communication and language development.
  4. Opportunities to be physically active and creative. 

Early childhood education - A learning environment






The Teaching Learning approach at Shiv Jyotiis based on the objectives of The Early Childhood Education  Programme. ECE is a child oriented programme that follows the activity, integrated or play way  approach and aims at providing a stimulating environment for intellectual, language, social, emotional  and physical development of the child. It provides school-readiness for the child and prepares him with  necessary concepts and skills for later learning of reading, writing and mathematics in primary grades.  

The broad objectives of the ECE programme are: 

  • To develop in a child, good physique, adequate muscular coordination and basic motor  skills. 
  • To develop in a child, good health habits and basic skills necessary for adjustment. 
  • To develop social attitudes and manners that encourage healthy group participation.  This way their emotional maturity is also attained through which they can freely express  themselves.  
  • To stimulate intellectual curiosity so as to help him understand the world around him.  
  • For imparting Early Childhood Education programme, the following approaches are followed  in teaching: 

    Activity Oriented

    This approach follows the learning by doing methodology. The key principles of ‘Learning by  Doing’ are Involvement, Participation and Contribution which certainly have a longer impact on  the child’s brain when it comes to development. We provide the children real life experiences  through special activities that include thinking, conversation, movement and creativity.  

    Playway Method

    The playway method is essentially child-oriented and caters to individual needs, interests and  abilities. Play is second nature to a child. It serves as a natural way for them to explore, express  and involve with the world around them. Therefore, this approach supports the all-round  development of a child. The experiences in this approach also make the child an active  participant and not a passive recipient in the learning process.  

    Our effective programme is based on the provision of concrete first hand experiences to the  child. We understand that at this age, they can perceive things more effectively on a sensory  level. A verbal or written description may not make much sense to the children. Which is why  we plan our activities in such a way that they can learn by touching, seeing and hearing things. By play, we encourage them to classify and handle a variety of objects. The implementation of  all activities take place in the following ways:  

    • Simple to Complex 
    • Familiar to Unfamiliar 
    • Concrete to Abstract 

    For Example: To learn about the fruit apple, they first see, touch and taste it. Then understand it  through a 3D picture of it and finally move on to learning the world ‘Apple’ or reciting a story about it.  

    The childhood of every Prideen should be no less than a carnival of good memories, love and  enjoyment and we, at Shiv Jyoti ensure they get ample opportunities to run, play and simply be  themselves! Natural growth occurs best when children have lots of fun. And, all that fun  happens at our splash pool, rain dance, doll house and the most colourful play area. 

    Key areas in Physical & Motor Development:  

    • Proper Growth (Monitoring Height & Weight of Children) 

    To make them stronger & sharper, a balanced diet is a must. Our in house kitchen helps provide  hygienic and nutritious baby friendly food which is tasted by the incharges first, then served to  the little ones.  

    • Development of Gross Motor Skills 

    Gross motor skills mean developing control over the movements of the large muscles of the  body. Activities like walking, running, swinging dancing, etc ensure that the students can get a  good control over their body. Prideens also love their energtic taekwondo sessions wherein they  learn perseverance with their kicks and punches. While, they enhance their flexibility during the  peaceful yoga time. We also organise an annual Sports Day wherein our budding sportsmen  participate in different competitions which include racing, rabbit jump, etc. 

    • Development of Fine Motor Skills 

    Fine motor skills mean developing control over the movements of finer muscles, particularly  finger muscles and hand-eye coordination. Activities like art & craft which include drawing,  colouring, pasting as well as paper folding, thumb printing, pattern making, clay moulding and  beading ensure a control over their fingers and also attain a perfect hand-eye coordination in a  fun way.

    The IQ of a child just doesn’t depend on the genes alone, but the opportunities he/she gets to  use his mind. Children between the age of 2.5 to 5 years are at a stage of cognitive development  when their thinking is governed by their perception and they learn through first hand  experience of the environment. Children at Shiv Jyoti are given opportunities to learn how to be  analytical so that they can successfully deal with life situations. 

    Key areas in Intellectual & Cognitive Development: 

    • Sensory Development 

    The development of the five senses, i.e, seeing, hearing, touch, smell and taste is basic to the  process of knowing and understanding. The more varied and extensive the sensory experiences,  the broader will be the child’s base for forming ideas. Our sound boxes, touch & sniff boxes,  audio-visual aids, smell tray and tasting kits help the Prideens get a grip on all five senses with  ease.  

    • Problem Solving and Reasoning 

    Who doesn’t love puzzles and block towers? At our intellectual development centre, the  children learn through an integrated approach with our self designed teaching tools. They are  encouraged to find solutions to diverse challenges such as solving picture puzzles, building a  serration tower using their own logic, learning tens and units of mathematics through a ‘Ganit  Mala’, etc.  

    • Development of Basic Concepts 

    For holistic development, it is crucial that different concepts are clear to the students. They  should be able to observe, discriminate and categories different objects in their environment  and progress from ‘perception bound reasoning’ to ‘logical reasoning’. To achieve this, we host  specials days that introduce a particular concept to the students, such as, ‘Colour Blue Day’, ‘My  Favourite Cartoon Day’, ‘Introduction to shape Triangle day’ or ‘Introduction to numbers’ as a  part of development of prenumber concept. Different activities are conducted on these days to  help them match, identify, name, compare and classify the objects. We also follow a monthly  theme which are an amalgamation of all these concepts.

    What good is knowledge that cannot be expressed! Language learning provides the foundation  for all later learning. By the time children enter pre-school, they are already using a language at  home. Shiv Jyoti gives them the right experiences and environment to increase their vocabulary  steadily and rapidly. 

    Key areas in Language Development

    • Development of Listening Skills 

    We organize a circle time as a part of our daily schedule as well as conduct story-telling sessions  and show the students, cartoon movies to develop their listening skills. During these sessions  they also learn sound discrimination such as ‘voices of different animals’ or the sound of  clapping, etc. To help them develop an ear for phonics, we conduct many activities using our our  phonic card box.  

    • Development of Vocabulary related of Body, Home and Environment 

    The children are indulged in fun conversations and action rhymes to introduce them with the  vocabulary related to their body, home and environment. Picture reading cards, role play and  dramatization are also used as a medium to enhance their vocabulary when it comes to the  socio-emotional scenario. 

    • Development of Oral Expression 

    Free conversation is the first activity after welcome and arrival activities. Children have a lot to  express about what happened at their homes after they left school the day before. They are  given absolute freedom to share their experiences and talk about anything they want. This way  they learn to create sentences and use correct grammar. Show and tell is yet another activity  which enhances their oral expression. 

    • Development of Reading Readiness 

    Here is when our specially designed curriculum books come into picture. Through the visuals in  the books, the children learn to identify objects as well as situations. Special introduction to  letters activities are also conducted so that they can gradually identify letters and words  mentioned in the book. 

    • Development of Writing Skills  

    Before children write, they need experience in handling crayons and pencils. Thus, initially, they  are indulged in drawing and coloring activities wherein they develop the skills of making 

    controlled visual motor movements. Later on, they move on to joining dots, tracing, copying  forms and making patterns similar to the letters of the alphabet. 

    Each child has his/her own unique ‘Personality’ which is the outcome of inheritance,  social/cultural groups, different sorts of interactions, regular appreciation and exposure. Shiv  Jyoti provides the right kind of peer group which forms the learning ground for the child about  right behavior, friendship, sharing. 

    Key areas in Socio-Emotional Development: 

    • Development of Positive Self Concept and Qualities of Initiative Independence and  Leadership. 

    This is achieved by creating a sense of individuality in them through name cards or even  celebrating birthdays in school. Qualities of leadership are gained when they are given  responsibilities such as maintaining a straight line. In group activities, they also take on the lead  role of reciting a story or while playing a game. 

    • Development of Good Personal Habits 

    We regularly conduct story-telling sessions and puppet play that carry relevant messages of  good habits. Picture cards of good and bad habits are also used to educate the children. As a  part of the routine, they are asked to wash their hands before meals, visit the toilet during  breaks, organize play material back in the racks after playing, etc.  

    • Development of the Self-Confidence 

    As a part of the confidence building process, we organize many activities and events such as  recitation competitions, fancy dress, fashion show, role play, class presentations and  appreciation day. When they get an opportunity to perform in front of an audience, it  automatically increases their confidence level.  

    • Development of ability to respect the feelings of others and relate with adults During the circle time, the students are indulge in interactions with their peers and teachers.  They get a chance to freely express themselves, listen to others and exchange opinions. Their  inquisitive minds are also addressed as the teachers are always willing to provide them with all  answers and listen to their queries patiently. Lunch time is also a great way to encourage  bonding between the peers as they learn to share their meals. We also believe that children’s  curiosity and interests are stimulated when they interact with people, places, communities and  the environment around us. To achieve this, we take them for picnics and excursions. 
    • Development of attitude of care towards the environment 

    Our aim at Shiv Jyoti is to create responsible global citizens. To become so, they need to be  environmentally conscious as well. We believe that building a connect with nature at this age  will go a long way in ensuring a sustainable environment. Thus, they often go for nature walks  where they learn about the nature and also participate in tree plantation drives. 

    Each child has inborn creativity. All we need to do is give them encouragement and  opportunities for free play, particularly dramatic and constructive play which will foster  creativity in them. We provide children with a stimulating environment where they can discover  their talents like dancing, art and craft, music, clay molding etc. Aesthetic Appreciation is a form  of development wherein children are encouraged to appreciate their surroundings and also  verbalize their appreciation about whatever they like around them. This way a positive energy  can be channelized in them, which can help them in their future endeavors.  

    Key areas in Development of Creative Expression:  

    • Creative Expression through Art 

    ‘In every work of art, the artist himself is present’. Art is one of the best ways to explore the  inborn creativity of the little minds. We organize many art and craft activities for the students  wherein they bring out their most creative sides. A few of them include: Drawing, Coloring,  Paper Folding and Clay Molding. 

    • Creative Movement 

    To let the children feel free to express through body movements and expressions, they are  indulged in dance & music sessions. Rhythmic movement such as foot stamping, finger clicking,  etc, also help the children loosen up and become more free with their movements. 

    • Creative Thinking 

    Every child is a dreamer with his/her own world full of imaginations and wonder. We know the  value of these imaginations as it is one of the best ways to enhance creative development.  During free play, in the Doll house, the little ones create their own stories as to how they want  their life to be or how to address a particular situation they are put in. They effectively learning  about the 5Ws and 1H through diverse fun activities. 

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