one of the

Best Boarding School in India

The Day Boarding facility at Shiv Jyoti provides a home-like environment for children. High-quality infrastructure and qualified, trained and friendly professionals keep the children occupied for the entire time they spend here. Day Boarding emphasises the complementary role of physical as well as other personality enhancing activities. Day Boarding approach provides children with a 360-degree educational experience. This has been created so that a child looks upon school as a second home. A Day Boarding with long school hours provides an opportunity for the children to complete their academic work during school hours. Moreover, they get ample time to play and learn new activities and groom their personality. The student-teacher ratio is kept within manageable limits so that even the shy, withdrawn and different students feel encouraged to clarify their doubts and interact with their teacher. This enables each teacher to reach out and help a child understand the curriculum, enjoy learning and allied activities during the school hours.

No Bag

No Homework

No Tiffin


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